Chaitrali Pimparikar

Chaitrali Mahesh Pimparikar, a dedicated disciple of the renowned Violinist Pt. Atulkumar Upadhye. His journey in the world of Violin began two years ago under his guidance and mentorship. It has been an incredible learning experience.

She has had the privilege to showcase my talent at various prestigious events. She has performed with the Swarzankar Musical Orchestra, organized by the Violin Academy, in Pune, Satara, and Ahmadnagar. Additionally, She has also opportunity to perform at the esteemed Smitanjali Program, organized by the Violin Academy in Pune.

Alongside my musical pursuits, I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Sir Parshurambhau College in Pune. This diverse educational background allows me to explore the fascinating interplay between music and the human mind.

She is passionate about further honing my skills and delving deeper into the realm of Violin music, guided by the invaluable teachings of Pt. Atulkumarji Upadhye.