Amit Rane

Amit RaneRecognition in Violin Playing:

While pursuing my higher education in Jalgaon, during the academic year 2013-14, I had the opportunity to listen to a violin performance by Guru Pt. Atulkumar Upadhye during a program held at the premises of JDC Bank. His performance deeply resonated with me, and I developed a genuine appreciation for his playing style and the violin as an instrument.

Through divine intervention, I found the opportunity to learn violin playing from him. It was truly a blessed connection. Today, it is well-known that Guruji's violin performances have reached even the common masses in various villages.

Participations: I have actively participated in various events and gatherings organized by the school, as well as standalone performances. Smriti Anjali, Violin Swarayajna, Violin Ensemble (Pune), Violin Ensemble (Ahmednagar), Violin Ensemble (Jhapurjha), Violin Performance (Prabhu Gyan Mandir, Pune).